Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Interview with Luke E. Hayes: Psychic Detective

Please state your name and location. (city and State or Province, Country) Luke Edward Hays from North Chelmsford MA, United States of America Tell us the title and publisher of your book: “Outskirtspress” is a self publishing company I found through They have been very helpful in providing affortable “Publishing Packages.” Tell us about yourself: I was born on March 29, 1991 in Dover New Hampshire, my family and I then moved to Chelmsford Mass where I now am currently living working on my literature and finding ways to market my work. When was the book released?: March 7, 2012 Give us an overview of your book. During the Spring of 1883, Pinkerton Detective Henry Larson leaves his home state of New York to travel to a town in California called Littleton to investigate the unsolved Grim Reaper case. With the victims hearts cut out of their bodies and many theories established by previous Detectives and Inspectors, Henry Larson has one advantage that the previous investigators didn't, his psychic ability. Through herbal tea and smoking the herb leaf in his pipe and using it as tobacco for cigarettes, Henry uses the herbs to clear his mind, giving him the power to see into the future through his dreams. But what he finds in the end is only a game of cat and mouse between him and the Grim Reaper. What inspired you to write this book? I love murder mysteries, some of my faviorite stories are the Connon Doyle “Sherlock Holmes” novels, “From Hell” with Johnny Depp (a murder mystery about Jack the Ripper), a fasination towards real life murders such as “The Saint Valentine’s Day Massacure” and in essinascene the dark side of human nature. How is your book different from other books in this genre? Too be honest I do not know how to answer this. Where can people buy your book? People can purcahse my literature on by searching the name of the book or my name where they can go to my author page where both my books are present. Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published? I am currently working on my third novel and I don’t expect it to be published for the next five years giver take. It is a large story and is going to take a lot of time and effort, espcially if you add in my editor’s editing time. If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers? Find ways to get your work known, such as send out a massive email to all of your friends and relatives, don’t shut up about it on Facebook, create cards with the information about your novel and where to find it and give those out to people. Do internet searches for author interviews and most importantly, don’t give up. Eventually you will in due time become a well known writer. If published traditionally, tell us how you benefited: If I had published through a professional publisher I proballly would have a agent by now and would have book tours booked and I would most likely be writing fiction full time and living my American dream. Can you share one of your marketing successes with us? I create cards with the names of my two novels with my name, where the novels are being sold, and what format like paperback and kindle. How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us? I found “Allbooks Reviews” through a site called “Writers in the Sky.” Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers? No, the price was not a surprise. Ways to get in contact with literary agents. Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book.

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