Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Review of You Are Everything and Everything is You by Michele Doucette

You are Everything Everything is You is a compilation of the works of several spiritual authors. Michele Doucette is an excellent researcher as is reflected in the complex content and unique perspectives covered in this book.

The works of Gregg Braden, Paul J. Steinhardt, physicist, Anthony Duchene, Michael Sky, Dr. Masaru Emoto and dozens of others are included in this work. Although convincing evidence, the text seems tedious and repetitious at times, however the message is the same throughout, “You are everything and everything is you!”

I do not think new explorers of spirituality will find this book helpful as it is too advanced in information and thinking, and would suggest it is more for the advanced seekers of enlightenment.

Michele Doucette lives in Newfoundland, Canada. She is the author of several books She is an avid researcher who is very worried about the radioactivity that is leaking into the ocean and air from the Fukushima reactor. She feels the earth is in great turmoil both naturally and with man’s obsession with war and greed. This book was written to inform and awaken the masses.

Recommended by Reviewer: Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review. www.allbooksreviewint.com

Title: You are Everything Everything is You

Author: Michele Doucette

Publisher: St. Clair Pub.

Pages: 200

ISBN: 9781935786177

For more info: www.portalsofspirit.com

Sept. 2011

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