Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Allbooks Review Nov. 2012 Newsletter

Allbooks Review Nov. 2012 Newsletter Visit: Allbooks Review is the review and author promo source for POD AUTHORS as well as traditionally published authors. Authors around the world use our service. Great coverage for your book for twelve months +.Our complete review and author promotional package is less than $50.U.S Unbelievable value!! For complete details contact us. SUCCESS STORIES Congratulations to William Wang, winner of the Allbooks Review Int. Junior Reviewer contest. Second place Andrew Sun and third place Jeffery Ben as well as Honorable Mention, Roger Kou also deserve our thanks and congratulations. The contest was sponsored by Allbooks Review Int and students in the Ottawa, Ontario Canada area took part. Author Dawn Beaumont Lane generously supplied twelve copies of her book, The Witch’s Tale for the contest. Congratulations to Shirley A. Roe on her eighth book published by RealTime Publishing, Limerick, Ireland. Bridgetown's Eleventh Hour is now available in ebook, and print (kindle edition): FEATURE Rejection! (Is your book REALLY that bad?) Rejection. Oh, how it stings. Most of us have been through it during our lives seeking jobs, seeking love, seeking publication for our books. Rejection hurts. It destroys our self-image (for a while, anyway) And it tears at the thin fabric in which we cocoon our fragile writer's ego, protecting the inner belief that our work is valid. A new writer recently emailed me after receiving a flurry of rejections from big agents. With a crushed spirit, she wrote: "It makes no sense to me. If someone has written a book that is a good read, then why in the world would it not be recognized, published and read? The only answer that makes any sense is that it's not a particularly good read after all." Alas, if it were only that simple. Let's step back and take a look at the situation. You wrote a book. Your instincts tell you it's darned good. You envision an agent or publisher recognizing this and sweeping you up in their arms to share with the world. You dream of financial success, recognition, and that sweet validation that makes you feel you're a "real" writer. That elusive dream haunts just about every new writer I've ever known. Then, after years of toiling, burning the midnight or early morning oil, sweating and suffering and bleeding onto the pages—most realize, in time, that they'd better not quit their day jobs. If every "good" book were accepted and published, we'd need a great deal more space to store and sell them. I've read that bookstores today stock only 2-3% of the published books in the world (physical books, not eBooks, of course.). Imagine all the "real" books that don't end up on their shelves? Now imagine all the good books that never get published. It's mind-boggling. An enormous number of books are submitted annually to publishers, and only a relative handful of agents and editors scan through the 0.05% that are accepted for the slush pile. They often receive hundreds of submissions per day. Imagine reading 100 emails every single day from authors who want to be heard? It wouldn't be hard to feel jaded in short order. Publishers and agents have cut down their staffs, because of the economy, and it's probably even harder for them to get through the slush piles now, with the fear of job loss if their next pick doesn't bring in some cash. There are plenty of horrible books submitted each year, too. But there are also hundreds, if not thousands, of very good books out there. Yours may be one of them. (If it isn't, keep on working on your skills until it is.) Are you in this boat? Have you had your books summarily dismissed by the powers that be, over and over again? Have you hired or courted superb writers to help you perfect your story? Have you scoured your book dozens of times for typos or inconsistencies? Have you researched the heck out of every point that needs confirmation? Have you assured yourself that your dialogue is crisp and believable? Have you hacked away at unnecessary adverbs and adjectives? Have you just plain told the story in the same voice you use to speak? And has your book still been rejected? If not, drop down on your knees and count your lucky stars, for you are among one of the very few who got picked up at the starting gate. If so, let me share something with you. Rejections may have nothing to do with the quality or value of your book. Most often, they have to do with the market, and what's "hot" this season. It could be the mood of the agent or editor who's reading your stuff, or the fact that your book slides between genres. Maybe it features young adults, but doesn't follow someone's blueprint for what a YA book needs to contain. Maybe it's absolutely perfect for a publisher, but they've already filled the slot for your genre on their list this year. Maybe the first level editor falls in love with your book, but her boss doesn't. Or you get all the way to the top of this year's short list, only to be told you didn't make the cut. Sound familiar? If you don't get picked up in the first five years by high profile agents or publishers, I recommend seeking a high quality small press. It's not easy to get into their world, either. But you don't usually need an agent, and they can provide a nurturing home for you, as well as help you get your books out to the public. And let me tell you, friends, it's that public, those lovely readers, who will provide the validation you've sought for so long. When the first person (who isn't family or a friend) comes up to you and gushes over your characters, or when you receive that unsolicited email from a stranger who NEEDS your next book or "they'll just die," or that lady who's been staring at you with stars in her eyes finally approaches you in the grocery store and says she wants to marry your lead character... that's when the validation just washes through your writer's soul. It's even better than the glowing reviews. So, the publishing game is tough, but it's not hopeless. There is still a place for us in this intensely competitive world. Acceptance by a high profile firm does not necessarily equate to a good book, just as rejection doesn't always equate to a bad book. Just look at the bestsellers out there. Some are quite odious, filled with plot holes, flat characters, and poor editing. So, why bother? Even with staggering odds in today's market, every year several "newcomers" are "discovered" and offered lucrative contracts. It does happen. We hear about it all the time. The next "hot" book will be discovered any day now. And it could be yours. My final bit of advice is this: If you are a passionate writer, you need to keep writing, regardless of what agent represents you, how many times your work has been rejected, what publisher has thumbed their nose at you, how many readers you have or don't have, how many books you have published or not published. Okay. Group Hug. Now, go out there and write like the wind! Ever wish you could peer into the brain of a published author and learn what tips he’s absorbed? Join award-winning mystery author Aaron Paul Lazar as he shares the cream of the crop from seven years of writing blogs in this fresh and unique offering of advice for fellow scribes. Write Like the Wind, volume 2, is available for 99 cents through Twilight Times Books and on all online book stores. WRITE LIKE THE WIND Volume 1 is also available for 99 cents. Volume 3 will be available late August, 2012. Allbooks Reviews INTERVIEW: Please state your name and location. (city and State or Province, Country) Luke Edward Hays from North Chelmsford MA, United States of America Tell us the title and publisher of your book: “Outskirtspress” is a self publishing company I found through They have been very helpful in providing affortable “Publishing Packages.” Tell us about yourself: I was born on March 29, 1991 in Dover New Hampshire, my family and I then moved to Chelmsford Mass where I now am currently living working on my literature and finding ways to market my work. When was the book released?: March 7, 2012 Give us an overview of your book. During the Spring of 1883, Pinkerton Detective Henry Larson leaves his home state of New York to travel to a town in California called Littleton to investigate the unsolved Grim Reaper case. With the victims hearts cut out of their bodies and many theories established by previous Detectives and Inspectors, Henry Larson has one advantage that the previous investigators didn't, his psychic ability. Through herbal tea and smoking the herb leaf in his pipe and using it as tobacco for cigarettes, Henry uses the herbs to clear his mind, giving him the power to see into the future through his dreams. But what he finds in the end is only a game of cat and mouse between him and the Grim Reaper. What inspired you to write this book? I love murder mysteries, some of my favorite stories are the Connon Doyle “Sherlock Holmes” novels, “From Hell” with Johnny Depp (a murder mystery about Jack the Ripper), a fasination towards real life murders such as “The Saint Valentine’s Day Massacure” and in essinascene the dark side of human nature. How is your book different from other books in this genre? Too be honest I do not know how to answer this. Where can people buy your book? People can purchase my literature on by searching the name of the book or my name where they can go to my author page where both my books are present. Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published? I am currently working on my third novel and I don’t expect it to be published for the next five years giver take. It is a large story and is going to take a lot of time and effort, espcially if you add in my editor’s editing time. If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers? Find ways to get your work known, such as send out a massive email to all of your friends and relatives, don’t shut up about it on Facebook, create cards with the information about your novel and where to find it and give those out to people. Do internet searches for author interviews and most importantly, don’t give up. Eventually you will in due time become a well known writer. If published traditionally, tell us how you benefited: If I had published through a professional publisher I probally would have a agent by now and would have book tours booked and I would most likely be writing fiction full time and living my American dream. Can you share one of your marketing successes with us? I create cards with the names of my two novels with my name, where the novels are being sold, and what format like paperback and kindle. How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us? I found “Allbooks Reviews” through a site called “Writers in the Sky.” Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers? No, the price was not a surprise. Ways to get in contact with literary agents. Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book. Our full author promotional package is only $49.95. This includes a review, interview and 12 months internet circulation of the review with purchase links on various websites. We review both print and ebooks for traditionally published and self- published authors. Also editing, and advertising in our bookstore at excellent rates. For information, email

Monday, October 15, 2012

Interview with Luke Edward Hayes, author of Psychic Detectives

Please state your name and location. (city and State or Province, Country) Luke Edward Hays from North Chelmsford MA, United States of America Tell us the title and publisher of your book: “Outskirtspress” is a self publishing company I found through They have been very helpful in providing affortable “Publishing Packages.” Tell us about yourself: I was born on March 29, 1991 in Dover New Hampshire, my family and I then moved to Chelmsford Mass where I now am currently living working on my literature and finding ways to market my work. When was the book released?: March 7, 2012 Give us an overview of your book. During the Spring of 1883, Pinkerton Detective Henry Larson leaves his home state of New York to travel to a town in California called Littleton to investigate the unsolved Grim Reaper case. With the victims hearts cut out of their bodies and many theories established by previous Detectives and Inspectors, Henry Larson has one advantage that the previous investigators didn't, his psychic ability. Through herbal tea and smoking the herb leaf in his pipe and using it as tobacco for cigarettes, Henry uses the herbs to clear his mind, giving him the power to see into the future through his dreams. But what he finds in the end is only a game of cat and mouse between him and the Grim Reaper. What inspired you to write this book? I love murder mysteries, some of my faviorite stories are the Connon Doyle “Sherlock Holmes” novels, “From Hell” with Johnny Depp (a murder mystery about Jack the Ripper), a fasination towards real life murders such as “The Saint Valentine’s Day Massacure” and in essinascene the dark side of human nature. How is your book different from other books in this genre? Too be honest I do not know how to answer this. Where can people buy your book? People can purcahse my literature on by searching the name of the book or my name where they can go to my author page where both my books are present. Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published? I am currently working on my third novel and I don’t expect it to be published for the next five years giver take. It is a large story and is going to take a lot of time and effort, espcially if you add in my editor’s editing time. If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers? Find ways to get your work known, such as send out a massive email to all of your friends and relatives, don’t shut up about it on Facebook, create cards with the information about your novel and where to find it and give those out to people. Do internet searches for author interviews and most importantly, don’t give up. Eventually you will in due time become a well known writer. If published traditionally, tell us how you benefited: If I had published through a professional publisher I proballly would have a agent by now and would have book tours booked and I would most likely be writing fiction full time and living my American dream. Can you share one of your marketing successes with us? I create cards with the names of my two novels with my name, where the novels are being sold, and what format like paperback and kindle. How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us? I found “Allbooks Reviews” through a site called “Writers in the Sky.” Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers? No, the price was not a surprise. Ways to get in contact with literary agents. Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Review of Mystic Fear by author Jan Evans Whitford

“To be wronged is nothing unless one continues to remember it” says Jan Evan Whitford, the author, through one of his characters in this ultimate non-stop adrenalin generating thriller. Unfortunately for Nikki O’Conner, the heroine, the one she has wronged 25 years ago continues to remember it. Fortunately for us, the readers, we get to read this incredibly satisfying thriller as a result. 15-year-old Nikki, a gorgeous cheerleader, innocently accepts a high school double-dog dare to play a prank on a dashing but extremely shy male schoolmate named Marion Hess. The prank is called the “Marion Hess Fact-Finding Commission”. You must read this novel to find out what fact Nikki is supposed to find out. Also, find out why Marion feels he is so fatally wronged that he still continues to remember it, hatching a relentless “Nikki O’Conner “Become” Mission”. Let’s fast forward. Nikki, at 40, is still as gorgeous and sought after. She is now a park ranger and life is good for her now. She has survived two husbands and now is happily married for three months to a third husband who adores her. As a testament of his undying love, he gives her a rare antique purple brooch. The plot thickens when they discover after they have the brooch appraised, that it is worth a million dollars. However, little do they know that legend has it that this beautiful object brings bad luck to all but its rightful owner. Well, Nikki is obviously not the rightful owner, because when she comes home one night, she finds her beloved third husband murdered and Marion’s message addressed to her at the crime scene, hence the title, Mystic Fear. Reading this novel is like going on a non-stop roller coaster ride through a series of romance, mystery, psychosis, and murderous chain of events, all of which leads to Marion’s obsession to make Nikki “Become”. It is also amazing how the author, Jan Evan Whitford, is able to juggle an enormous array of engaging characters and copious number of subplots, and tie them all together neatly and beautifully to give it such an agreeable ending. Bravo! Mr. Whitford. I would strongly recommend this thriller to readers who want it all and are willing to risk a heart attack reading it! Yuke Man, Reviewer, Allbooks Review International Title: Mystic Fear Author: Jan Evan Whitford Publisher: RealTime Publishing, Limerick, Ireland ISBN: 978-1-84961-156-5 Price: $14.99 March 2011

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Review of Tony Samara's 'From the Heart'

“The topic is consciousness—an aspect that everyone here and many people around the world are putting a lot of effort into understanding—and I would like to highlight some of the misunderstandings around consciousness so that perhaps those misunderstandings, and those other ideas that the mind likes to create to confuse us as individuals and also as a society, and as a family and as a group of people, can be looked at with clear intention and let go of.” From the Heart is a collection of Satsangs (Sanskrit for spiritual discourse, talk with the divine) that can be found on the author’s website: www.TonySamara.TV. All of the clear and precise Satangs were recorded in the Garden of Light in Germany. Facet by facet, the author reveals an important life lesson and a step toward living from your deeper, spiritual self. Chapters include Let Go of Jealousy, Believe in Yourself, Consciousness, Fasting & Love, Meditation and many other topics that will entertain, educate and profoundly alter the way you see life and your own reality. The opening paragraph of this review is an example of the writer’s style and deep commitment to his lessons. Reading this book is like listening to a conversation filled with awe inspiring wisdom. Readers are captivated by the words page after page. Instruction is simple, and easy to apply- if you pay attention and really hear what is being said, really take it into your core being and believe that it is the “Truth.” You can change your life and this book is the first step in finally applying all that you have heard and learned; the final missing link to happiness and peace. One of the things that appealed to me about this book is the supporting website where readers can continue their journey. I am now a regular visitor to both the site and the youtube versions of the meditations and I know you will be too. Highly recommended by reviewer: Shirley A. Roe, Allbooks Review International Title: From the Heart Author: Tony Samara For more info: & March 2011

Monday, October 1, 2012

Interview with author Catherine MacDonald

Please state your name and location. (city and State or Province, Country) Catherine MacDonald Reno NV USA Tell us the title and publisher of your book: Seasons of the Vineyard/Create Space Tell us about yourself: I am a wife, mother, nana, and small business owner. I live in the mountains and I am an avid hiker. When was the book released? June 2012 Give us an overview of your book. Francesca ran away from the family vineyard because she was determined to live a different life—one without the grapes and her secrets, but life has a different plan. Returning home, she is confronted with the actions of her past and the complexities of the present. But she is stubborn and determined to save the vineyard and uncover the secret of the Zinfandel wine, but the secret is buried with her mother. Francesca must save the vineyard, find the secret, and deal with her turbulent past and lover. What inspired you to write this book? A trip to Italy. I grew up in California and have always loved vineyards. I even wanted to run a vineyard—that is until I did the research for this book and realized how difficult it is. How is your book different from other books in this genre? Besides the research, there is an element of the paranormal. Where can people buy your book? But if you are in Reno NV, you can come into my parts store and purchase one there. Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published? Yes. The Divorce Ranch, set in Nevada circa 1936 If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers? Modern technology has made it easy to publish oneself. Don’t be afraid. If published traditionally, tell us how you benefited: My books that were traditionally published had book stores that stocked them and I did book signings. Can you share one of your marketing successes with us? Hmm. Probably my daily blog. I have quite a few readers and I have been doing this for over two years. How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us? The Frugal Book Promoter. I was hoping for a fair and balanced review, which I received. Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers? The low cost was attractive. I’m not sure what else I would like from Allbooks. Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book. Thank you!