Thursday, January 5, 2012

Review of 'the dreaming' by David Pelletier

On the surface, this tale seems normal - three young siblings are taken from the Australian outback to the city to be looked after by their relatives. However, there is more to it than meets the eye, making this thriller intriguing, terrifying and satisfying.

In fact, the way to read this book is to suspend your logic and let it lead you by your emotions. In this way, you will be shockingly surprised by what seemed like reality all along, but was actually intermingled in a dream, hence the title of the book: “the dreaming”. Indeed, it is about a dream, but of a different kind and written from a unique perspective.

This book is about making right a wrong done to a vulnerable member of society and what it takes to protect another vulnerable member from being killed. Because the tale is set in an ancient society and the description of the landscape is so vivid and authentic, it makes its “dream” content not so far-fetched after all.

David Pelletier, although a first time author, is both subtle and imaginative in creating such a unique, disturbing tale. He does it by disguising an easy to read narrative into something altogether “out of this world”.

I highly recommend this book to readers who are curious and want their imagination stretched to the extent that they will say “yes, it is possible, this dreaming and the metaphysical affecting reality and justice….”. Read it, and trust me, you will want to read it again and ponder some more!
Reviewer: Yuke Man, Allbooks Review International

Genre: Fiction
Title: the dreaming
Author: David Pelletier
Publisher: Dragonfall Press
ISBN: 978-0-9806341-3-6
Price: $19.95
July 2011

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